Executive Team

Chris Lalonde | President
Email Chris

I have been a member of DTC for over 10 years, with the last 8 being VP2. Currently playing on the B team and have been playing tennis for most of my life. Looking forward to our socials and tournaments this year on our brand new courts!

Craig Roswell | Past President

Been a club member for 7 years, 2nd VP for 3 of them. Currently play on the competitive B team and have been enjoying tennis for 20 years. Love club interactions and watching everyone have a FUN time!

Jordan Anthony | Club Pro
Email Jordan

With over 20+ years of coaching experience, I have run numerous clubs and taught all levels from beginners to provincial players. Tennis is a sport for everyone, and I look forward to welcoming more people to this great game. See you all on the courts!

Nichola Neville | Vice President (First)
Email Nichola

An active member of DTC for the past 4 years, after a 20 year break from tennis. Co-captain of the Dunmoore 1 B team in 2024 and co-convener of the Tuesday Night Competitive House League. I am new to the executive committee and looking forward to a great 2025 season. Stay tuned for great club tournaments and competitive leagues this summer!

Lindsay Yarmoluk | Vice President (Second)
Email Lindsay

I am happy to be joining the Executive team this year. I’m currently on the competitive B team and have been playing tennis for 15+ years. I’m looking forward to planning tournaments this season with Nichola and spending more time getting to know our members.

Sarah Lalonde | Treasurer
Email Sarah

I have played tennis for about 20 years and have been a DTC member since 2011. I currently play on the Competitive B team, and I am grateful for all of the people I've met through the tennis community, and I look forward to meeting many more! I am happy to be part of the Executive team.

Kathy Sparrow | Secretary
Email Kathy

I am so glad that I decided 7 years ago to sign up for what would be my first of many tennis lessons. I love taking lessons! Beginner, private, doubles clinic, aerobics, liveballyou name, it I've taken it! I also enjoy taking part in the competitive leagues and tournaments. See you at the courts!

Christina Koichopolos | Membership Director
Email Christina

I discovered tennis late in life and realized that it was far more than a fun way to keep fit. The people I met quickly became new friends on and off the court, and the fun I was having playing drove me to continually try to improve my skills. I began volunteering as the membership director because I wanted to give back to this exceptional club, and I knew I would enjoy the people I would be working with. I wasn’t wrong!

Gian Ahuja | Web Director
Email Gian

I've played recreational tennis since my early years, and until some time ago, I took to lessons, aerobics, and wanted to play competitively. This yearning to play more brought me to Dunmoore which instantly became family! Dunmoore has been welcoming, is inclusive and diverse, and is fun which makes it the best community club! Proud to captain the C Team this year and excited to volunteer on the executive to give back to this phenomenal club and the sport I love!

Mike Kooiman | Court Maintenance Director
Email Mike

I have played recreational tennis for approximately 11 years now and discovered Dunmoore three years ago. It instantly became our tennis home. I am pleased to apply my operational and process management skills to be your Court Maintenance Director. I am committed to keeping our new courts and facilities in top shape. Looking forward to meeting you on the courts!

Susan Kooiman | Events & Social Media Director
Email Susan

I have played tennis on and off since childhood, and 2024 is my third year at Dunmoore. Bringing people together is a passion of mine. Coordinating special events is one of my strengths. Dunmoore is renowned for its social events and tournaments being popular and fun. I'm looking to continue that longstanding tradition this season with some fresh ideas. See you there!